YSPost Goals For Tomorrow

Goals For Tomorrow A friend of mind was recently doing some consulting for my company and he asked me a very important question: “Do you have all your long term goals for your company written out?” I had to admit the honest answer was no. Even though I’m a long term...

YSPost Be the Landlord or Be the Bank

Be the Landlord or Be the Bank When I say, “You could be the bank,” I don’t mean you have to own a big building and hire bank tellers, security guards, and all that. I mean you could own seller financed notes and get money flowing to your mailbox every month for years...
YSPost The Buyline, February 2020

YSPost The Buyline, February 2020

The Buyline, February 2020 Thoughts from the Desk of Bob Repass… Over the last several years, I have been working alongside… …the other founders and members of the Seller Finance Coalition with the goal of achieving regulatory relief for our industry. At...